Thursday, August 30, 2018

Eczema: (from JAMA)
Summary: too many gram positive bacteria (a kind of bug, many bugs live on our skin and some or the correct ratio of one knid to another are actually good for us) are found in areas of eczema. Could changing the bacteria in those areas heal eczema? There have been good results. The study is still ongoing.

My Thoughts: I believe as the author suggests that soaps lotions, shampoos, conditioners all have some bad chemicals especially preservatives in them that change the corret benefiacial bacteria ratios which then caue skin problem. My thought is stay away from these products. Try to buy natural products

What I do:
I look for products: without parabens; have few ingredients:when I read the the label I know what they are
I dont use body moisturizers
When I am done showering I apply organic oils (coconut avocado...) to my body from the neck to the top of my feet (caution: careful not to step on oily products and fall, my shower has a rough surface floor so I havent slipped yet! If you have rosacea or any other skin issues talk to your dermatologist first you r skin may not tolerate oils)

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